THREAD “James Izzo, The Boy Without Limits”

(from Middle Pillar Records)

Obituary by James Babbo

“THREAD is the river, the tree, love and hate. THREAD is the association, the metaphor, the abstract connection between tangible & intangible.” – James Izzo (1977-2011)

“To me, James was an inspired talent and a true gentleman. He had a positive attitude and a focused determined manner.”
““ Jarboe, Sept 4th, 2011
I met Wallace James Michael Izzo in 2000. To me I’ll always associate him with the name THREAD. That’s how I think of him. It was the name he chose for his musical identity. A name he believed in so much he trademarked it with the government. It was also a HUGE hassle because of other bands that would later surface with the name. “Should we send them a cease and desist letter?” I’d get that email from him a lot. Usually an email back to the offender was enough to scare them off, especially when mentioning the trademark.Middle Pillar had heard of THREAD through various music sites. Thread had done a few COIL remixes (‘Dark River’ and ‘Glowworms/Waveforms’ mix) which the band had heard and enjoyed, but Jon Whitney of loved them (and James) well enough to release them (with Coil’s blessing). (Please see Brainwashed’s thoughtful post on James’ passing) Continue reading “THREAD “James Izzo, The Boy Without Limits””

by Amy Bauer

The other day mindlessly programming at work my mind wandered in different directions. Upon thinking of a one friend made it’s way to another and so on until James entered it. I thought about his interest in computers, the Internet, music and how there were more things I would of liked to discuss with him. Bands I think he would like, places he could of visited, food he would of enjoyed, and how he will never be forgotten. I realized it has almost been a year since he left us behind, but not forever. His flesh may be gone, but he is with me always. In 2000 James, another friend, and I went on a crazy super fun road trip. This past year I went on that same road trip with a few extra stops and with someone that never met James. I know James was there with me. I spoke of him at times, and to someone who had met us that 12 years before.

From time to time the above happens. James pops into my mind. How to explain it? He wasn’t the first person I have known to pass away suddenly. Yet he was the first friend to. 34 may not seem young when you are 18, but when someone is 3 years younger then you, your first memory of them is when they are 2 or so, 34 is extremely young. May we all leave such a positive impact on others. I am still tearing up when I think about James. I may never stop, at the same time I know he finally got all the answers he was searching for and is in peace.

I just wanted to let others know I am still feeling the impact of a beautiful talented person. Glad I knew him.